Interim times in the life of a church can be difficult. But they can also be seasons of great renewal and hope.
Interim Journey is a set of dynamic resources with coaching support for discerning a shared sense of God’s call as a congregation prepares for new pastoral leadership.
Discerning our church’s leadership needs is our response to God’s calling to take part in God’s mission. The Interim Journey resources help a congregation celebrate its Past, name and claim the challenges and opportunities of the Present, and share hopes and priorities for the Future.
Five stages guide your congregation, pastor, and leadership team through a dynamic process that encourage reflection into the past as well as imagining hope for the future. Each congregation works with a Center coach to help tailor the process to your specific needs.

Tell Me a Story is a congregation wide gathering to look back and remember where God has been at work in the life of your church

Listening to the Spirit is an online survey plus conversations that assesses your congregation’s present moment and identifies key challenges and opportunities

Everyone is encouraged to participate in the bible study, “A People of Salt and Light” to provide common grounding and spiritual encouragement

Your leadership team meets to capture insights and energy, needs and challenges, and identify ministry priorities that assist in focusing ministry and aiding in the pastoral search

The congregation is invited to a Sunday morning event that helps name and clarify future priorities that emerge from discerning the Spirit’s call